Terms and Conditions

Begara Real Estate & Trading PLC (later “Bet Begara”) hosts a website under domain name www.betbegara.com (later “Service”) for the online marketing of property listings for sale or for rent and the advertising of service providers in the real estate, legal and related industries (collectively “Advertisements”). These general terms of use (later “Terms of use”) apply to the use of a service. BetBegara may amend these terms and condition at any time.

These Website Terms and Conditions written on this webpage shall manage your use of the website. By using this Website, you agree to accept all terms and conditions.

The User declares having read these terms of use (later “Terms of use”) and commits to abide by them in all use of the Service.

Registration or providing contact information is required to use certain parts of the Service. As the User registers or provides the Service with their contact information or otherwise gives BetBegara their personal data with their consent, the User becomes a customer of BetBegara and their data are recorded in the customer register of BetBegara / betbegara.com. BetBegara have the right, if they see fit, to change freely usable parts of the Service to require registration or vice versa.


Each User acknowledges that BetBegara does not verify or warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Advertisements or other information on the Website.

BetBegara uses “cookies” on the Website to enable it to personalise each User’s visits to the Website, simplify the signing-in procedure, keep track of your preferences and to track the usage of the Website. Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored in the hard drive of the User’s computer by the browser. The browser will have the option to prevent websites using cookies, but this may reduce the functionality of the Website.

The Website contains links to other third-party websites over which BetBegara has no control. BetBegara does not recommend any products or services advertised on those websites and the Client/User uses them at its own risk.

BetBegara’s duties and liability for the Service

As a rule, the Service is available 24 hours per day. However, BetBegara have the right to temporarily remove the Service or part thereof from use due to maintenance, equipment installation, general order and safety, system overload or other compelling reason. BetBegara do not give any direct or indirect guarantees of the functionality or properties of the Service, nor do they guarantee the uninterrupted or flawless operation of the Service.

In addition, BetBegara have the right to improve and change in every way the contents, structure and appearance of the Service, its selection of products and databases, software, equipment, contents of handbooks and other documentation, service hours and other parts of the Service. BetBegara strive, whenever reasonably possible, to notify the User beforehand of any changes and interruptions to the Service that are of relevance to the User, either via the Service or by other suitable means of notification. Changes enter into force as soon as they have been implemented.

BetBegara are not liable for the contents of the Service (including links to third party websites) or correctness thereof, except for data content BetBegara themselves have produced. BetBegara have the right to delete any material in the Service they deem to be against the law or good manners, or damaging or harmful to BetBegara, the users or a third party.

Communication between Users may occur in the Service indirectly via content posted on the Service. BetBegara are not liable for any harm or damages caused by communication or other activity between Users to other Users or a third party.

We record all messages we have sent from BetBegara to develop and speed up customer service.

This Website is provided “as is,” with all faults, and BetBegara express no representations or warranties, of any kind related to the Website or the materials contained on the Website. Nothing contained on this Website shall be interpreted as advising you.

User’s liabilities and responsibilities

The User must, at its cost:

include the information and details on each Advertisement as reasonably specified by BetBegara from time to time;
ensure that none of the information or Advertisements provided by it to BetBegara includes any content that:
is false, misleading or incorrect;
may be considered abusive or offensive;
infringes the intellectual property rights of any third person;
infringes the privacy and protection of personal information rights of any third person;
comply with all applicable legislation, laws and regulations in regard to the conduct of its business and the placement of Advertisements on the Website.
The Client warrants that the content, form and design of the Advertisements and other information provided by the Client to BetBegara does not, and will not, infringe any intellectual property rights of any other person. The Client indemnifies BetBegara and holds it harmless against any claim made against it as a result of this warranty not being true or any other breach of these terms’s .
The User is granted personal right to use the Service in accordance with this Terms of use applicable to the Service or individual parts thereof.

The User is given a password and login for using the Service, if necessary, which enable them to log in the Service. The password and login are personal and they must not be released or told to third parties. The User is responsible for all use of the Service with said login and password. If outsiders come to know the password or login, the User shall immediately notify this by e-mail to selamhomes9211@gmail.com. After the notification has been received, the User is no longer liable for any use with their password or login that occurred without any action on their part.

Ownership and copyright of the Service

The content of the Service is protected by copyright in accordance with Ethiopian legislation and international agreements. BetBegara or other parties producing data for the Service own all rights (incl. copyright) to the Service. BetBegara reserve all rights to the content of the Service, unless otherwise stated on the Service.

The User is aware that BetBegara retain the ownership and copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights of the Service and parts thereof, and that no other rights are transferred to the User than the rights of use mentioned in these terms.

The User has no right to publicly use the Service, nor to record, resend or otherwise use the Service in violation of BetBegara’s rights.

The User has no right, without the explicit written consent from the Service provider given beforehand, to use automatic systems (including “robot”, “spider”, “scraper” and “offline reader” software) to produce copies of the Service, parts or content thereof or to render them available to the public.

Rights to content produced by the User

The User transfers to BetBegara all current and future financial rights to any material the User has produced to the Service. BetBegara may re-transfer the aforementioned rights to another party or modify any material in the Service. The User retains rights of use independent of BetBegara to the material the User has produced to the Service. The use (incl. Copying) or publishing for commercial or other purpose outside the Service of material in the Service by anyone except the User in question is not allowed without explicit consent from BetBegara.

Feedback, ideas for development and reclamations to BetBegara

Any ideas for development, feedback or reclamations can be submitted via e-mail at betbegara@gmail.com.

Transferring and termination of user rights

The User has no right to release or transfer the right to use the Service (including password and other logins that enable the use of the Service) to a third party. BetBegara may deny granting a login or cancel a granted login, if the User has or is acting against the Terms of use, the law or good practice.

BetBegara also have the right to temporarily prevent access to the Service by the User, if it is necessary for the operation of the Service. If the User has not used the Service for eighteen (18) months, BetBegara may, at their discretion, cancel the User’s password and login. After this the User may, if they wish, re-register to the Service. The User’s login and password are automatically deleted at the end of the user right.

Despite the termination of the contract, any regulations referred to in these Terms of use on ownership and copyright, responsibility of communication and limited liability remain in force for as long as they remain of significance. If the contract is terminated due to contract violation by the User, BetBegara have the right not to grant the User new user rights.

BetBegara always have, at their discretion, to cease providing the Service completely or partly. BetBegara will notify the ceasing operations well in advance, if possible, via the Service or by other means at their discretion.

Featured Properties and packages:

Please note that not all properties will be made featured. Featured properties are selected based on certain criteria, including recency, how complete the posts are, the quality and number of pictures, whether price and other information is given properly, etc.

Featured properties for sale and rent are limited to certain numbers each, so home page opening is not affected negatively.

listing expires within a year
The package is renewed yearly
featured listing will stay for 30 days
Unlimited image/ listing means 15 image per listing and a maximum of 5000 listing per account

Limited liability

The Service and contents thereof are presented ‘as is’ and the User uses services provided and/or forwarded by BetBegara at their own responsibility. BetBegara are not liable for any data security risks related to the use of the Service or for the correctness or suitability for a certain purpose of the content of the Service other than as required by legislation. Unless otherwise provided by compelling legislation, BetBegara are not liable for any such direct or indirect, material or non-material damage that may be caused to the User or a third party due to interruptions, delays, errors or defects in the Service or content thereof.

The User is liable to reimburse BetBegara and third parties for any damage caused by the User’s actions that are against the law, authoritative rules and instructions or these Terms of use. No contracting party is liable for any damage due to unreasonable difficulties in the parties’ operation caused by force majeure or similar reason.

Processing of personal data and use of cookies

The service provider processes the personal data of registered Users in accordance with the register description of the Service, BetBegara’s privacy statement and privacy legislation. The Service uses cookies in a manner described in the privacy statement.

Privacy statement

Other terms

The Service contains links and connections to third party websites. Such services provided by a third party apply the terms of use and other conditions of said third party, and BetBegara are not liable for privacy policies or content of these websites.

BetBegara have the right to transfer the Service and maintenance thereof as well as related customerships to any company belonging to the BetBegara Technologies cluster at the time.

Ethiopian legislation applies to the Service and Terms of use, excluding regulations on the choice of law.

Settlement of disputes:

Any disputes between BetBegara and the User are attempted to settle by bilateral negotiations. If the parties do not reach a settlement, the dispute is settled Ethiopian Law.

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